Saturday, July 17, 2010

D says Duh

We made it 20 baths in a row, not an easy task in this house! So to celebrate there was a gift purchased at the toy sales. As the alphabet is a firm favourite around here we bought a leapfrog letter recognition thingamagic and have been playing with it ever since.
"D says duh D says Duh all the letters make a sound and D says Duh"
To add to the fun we pulled out our alphabet book we got at the playschool concert. At each page we stopped to look at the letter, find the matching one and check it in the thingamagig to see if we were right.Then the letters got lined up in order....this went on for a good while. Didn't make it through the whole alphabet but daddy was shown our new game when he got home from work.

Come join us over at Childhood 101 we play

We Play


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen those letter things (probably because we never make it to the Leap Frog aisle anymore, it's all about Barbie or Dora!), but they sound really good. Perhaps I need to get to the toy shops on my own :)

Anonymous said...

I saw one of those leap frog alphabet games at a friends place recently. Or more to the point I saw my 5yo totally fascinated by it. Looks like great fun especially teamed with a book as you have done. :)

Congratulations on making it to 20 baths, that can be a real battle in our house too.

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

Looks like lots of fun, we haven't discovered Leapfrog yet though a girlfriend with slightly older children swears by them!

Thanks for linking up to We Play :)