Saturday, July 17, 2010


Another for the fine motor skills, threading! We dyed some tube pasta in different colours last week and tried to thread them onto shoelaces with not alot of on a trip to the craft store we bought some plastic needles and wool. Perfect.
I was totally amazed that Master Nate could not only thread these with utter ease but could thread the needle, now I know who to call if I'm having trouble. We made necklaces for granmas and aunties and I had to wear mine out to the shops.

After years of sending kids home with these from pre-school and watching mums not so keen to leave the premises with them on I was the one who had to go out with some gorgeous home made jewelry! It really did make my day as much as Master N's.
To continue on and I can't remeber where I saw it but at breakfast we decided to thread cherios onto pipe on and one in(the mouth).

Come join us at we Play at childhood 101
We Play

Wet washing hanging on the line!

We bought some little pegs (inspired by Childhood 101) and decided to use them to display our art work on a line in the lounge room. Master N was intriged and wanted to keep taking the pictures on and off. I decided to set up a clothes line one morning put out the pegs and some of Princess P's things and see what happened. What a great morning of on and off and on and off. It was great for fine motor skills and also inspired some fun imaginative play. The clothes line stayed up for a whole week (till I couldn't stand it anymore) and it is still missed! We might bring it out again some time soon.

Come join us at we play
We Play

My very own rug

Much of Princess P's time is spent on her big brothers rug....finally her own arrived! Mummy is really starting to love Pink......lucky I guess!

Winter sunshine

A good old fashion day out, enjoying the winter sunshine, feeding the ducks and rolling down the grass hills! Bliss~! Finished off with a yummy strawberry milkshake!

Come join us at we Play at childhood 101
We Play

D says Duh

We made it 20 baths in a row, not an easy task in this house! So to celebrate there was a gift purchased at the toy sales. As the alphabet is a firm favourite around here we bought a leapfrog letter recognition thingamagic and have been playing with it ever since.
"D says duh D says Duh all the letters make a sound and D says Duh"
To add to the fun we pulled out our alphabet book we got at the playschool concert. At each page we stopped to look at the letter, find the matching one and check it in the thingamagig to see if we were right.Then the letters got lined up in order....this went on for a good while. Didn't make it through the whole alphabet but daddy was shown our new game when he got home from work.

Come join us over at Childhood 101 we play

We Play

Monday, July 5, 2010

Washing the car

It's hard to explain the joy I felt watching my boys work together washing the Ryan is the dad in the picture. If that is the case we are parents. Many days I still don't believe that the dream we had for so long really has come true and not just once but twice.
Such a simple thing like watching the boys wash the car together makes me smile from the depth of my being!

My own Scissors please

Master N has taken a fancy to my big scissors and although I'm happy for him to use them under full supervision I worry if I have to attend to Miss P sooooooooooooo we got him his very own pair and now he is one very happy camper.

I am constantly taken back to my pre-school class room where I would teach to hold the scissors by saying " keep the thumb at the top, he's the boss" this so often worked for me but I think mummy is going to have to find a differen't way to get Master N to get the hang of it....he isn't 3 yet so we'll just wait and see!