We received our delivery of fruit and veg and with Mr I don't eat anything showing a great interest in it's arrival I was thrilled. we got out all the differen't fruit and veg and talked about what each one was, it's colour and if it was a fruit or veg. We decided it might be nice to make a big pot of vegetable soup while eating a fruit salad plate! (every mummy's wish - but will he eat it - that is the question)
When we got the veggies ready i realised that there really aren't any jobs for an almost 3 year old to do when making soup, so he set about making his own!

Master N got busy measuring and weighing his ingredients. Using some plastic pegs as his veggies and picking matching colours for the said veggies. He added some pasta as I did and some shells as a special touch.
He was still going while i was finished and all washed up....pouring mixing and re-weighing. What fun....what a mess!
Oh and did he eat the real one?
No! But was very keen for me to give some to his baby sister!

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